- Preventive Drug Education
- Operations
- Treatment and Rehabilitation
- Psychology
- Supervision
- Pusat Al-Islah
- Investigation and Prosecution
- Administration and Finance
- Office of Strategic Management & Competency Standards
- Secretariat and Liaison
- Operational Intelligence
Preventive Drug Education Division
The main responsibility of this division:
Educating and raising public awareness to the community through various approaches:
- Dissemination of information through briefings, exhibitions, forums, roadshows, and interactive games
- Distribution of drug posters and handbooks
- A screening test urine samples
- A visit to the gallery Anti-drug, BKN, and briefings
Drug prevention education activities focus on the following targetted group:
- Students in all levels of education - primary, secondary, and higher education institutions
- The village community
- Employees of public and private
- Citizen
- Youths
Operations Division
The main responsibility of this division:
Raid and Arrest
- Conducting raid and arrest of suspect, seizure of drugs, and any article liable to seizure.
- Conducting surveillance at designated areas.
- Patrolling the waterway.
Treatment and Rehabilitation Division
The main responsibility of this division:
- Supervision of drug abusers.
- Conduct supervision programs on identify supervisee.
- Conduct interview on supervisee, random urine test, and blood samples.
- Conduct a spot check at the residence and workplace of the supervisee.
Pusat Al-Islah:
- Rehabilitation of drug abusers
Investigation and Prosecution Division
The main responsibility of this division:
- Opening an Investigation Paper (IP) and Docket Files on reported cases.
- Conducting interviews on arrestees and suspects.
- Obtaining urine samples from arrestees and suspects for analysis.
- Gathering, analyzing, and disseminating the information on drug-related activities.
- Preparation for prosecution upon receiving consent to prosecute from Deputy Public Prosecutor.
- Conducting prosecution on cases under the Misuse of Drugs Act, Intoxicating Substances Act, and Poisons Act.
CARO (Criminal Assets Recovery Order)
Administration and Finance Division
The main responsibility of this division:
Information Technology
- To administer the Departmental Local Area Network and computer systems.
- Responsible for the everyday administration, training, planning, creating systems, maintenance, and purchase of computer equipment.
- Statistics compile data on arrested persons and drug seizures for computerizing periodic statistics.